[Photo by BF]
1. Folks should definitely check out (as able) their (make sure these are open to the public) meetings [It is a learning experience!] - such as:
a. Jan. 15: City of Kingston Laws & Rules Public Hearing [City Hall; 7PM]
b. Jan. 20: City of Kingston Zoning Board of Appeals [City Hall; 7:30PM]
c. Jan. 21: City of Kingston Finance and Economic Development Committee [City Hall; 6:30 PM]
d. Jan. 22: City of Kingston Police Commission [City Hall; 4PM]
e. Jan. 22: City of Kingston Public Safety/General Government/Public Access Meeting [City Hall; 7PM]
f. Feb. 4: Ulster County Planning Board Meeting [UC Office Building, Surrogate's Court; 244 Fair Street, Kingston (7:30PM)]
[This information came from this week's "Kingston Times." Folks should also consult the Monday "Daily Freeman" meeting list and/or call City Hall (or the appropriate contact) to confirm certain meeting dates, locations and times!]
2. The former UC Sheriff's Deputy that (whilst on duty!) reputedly sexually assaulted a 17-yr-old girl should definitely have to serve jail time! [See "Ex-deputy guilty of sex shakedown"; "Kingston Times" (KT); P. 2]
3. Folks should definitely call their local representatives and/or U.C. County Legislatures --- express their feelings --- and/or request a public meeting --- about the potential placement (or non-placement, for the safety of our children!) of convicted sex offenders... [See (A) "Distance boundaries... Ulster legislators are divided over limits on sex offenders"; Hugh Reynolds; KT; 1/15/09; P. 14; (B) "Legislators spar over sex offender law"; Robert Ford; "Ulster County Press"; 1/14/2009; P. A4, and/or; (C) "Predator law could spur state action..."; Patricia Doxey; DF; 1/15/09; P. A1 and A6]
4. Folks should definitely be upset about the fact that impeached Governor, Rod Blagojevich (Illinois) "will preside briefly over the chamber that will hold his political life in its hands..." [See "Blagojevich to preside over body that will try him"; Associated Press (AP); DF; 1/14/09; P B1]
5. Folks should definitely be upset that outgoing President George Bush Jr. and outgoing Vice President "Dick" Cheney are reputedly scheduled to receive approximately $200,000 and $132,000 (respectively) in their first year of retirement - whilst incoming President Barack Obama and incoming Vice President Joe Biden are left to deal with the social, economic and political "hurricane" (Do you have a "better" word?) that Bush Jr. and Cheney (with a little help from some of their "friends") created...! [See "Comfortable pensions await Bush, Cheney..."; AP; DF; 1/16/09; P. B3]
[Note: The opinions state here are mine. You are welcome to (appropriately) express your own! Please let me know if there are any factual errors in this report - and I will promptly make corrections... Thank You.]
Trump’s Day 1 Crackdown on Immigration
President Trump’s executive actions on immigration were the leading edge of
an effort to upend the United States’ role as a sanctuary for refugees and
5 hours ago
Please excuse the fact that the time on this computer appears to have a mind of its own!