Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good Morning... Notice... "Z-TRIP - Obama Mix (part 4 of 6)" You Tube Video....

[Photo by BF]

Good Morning!

I wanted to let folks know that I am in the process of developing a MySpace site, and that I might have accidentally mailed (lol) a MySpace invite to everyone on my mailing list [both personal and official; still under development...] - which "might" look pretty strange (lol) to some folks and/or (in particular) organizations.

Thus, if you got a personal invite to my MySpace (also still under development...) - and "want" to check it out, please do...

But, if you got an invite and thought to yourself, "this woman is crazy!" [a word I prefer is "eccentric" (lol)] - please know that I was working on this very late at night - that I'm on a rapid technological learning curve - and that I extend my sincere apologies!

That said...

countdown (Day 2)

["Z-TRIP - Obama Mix (part 4 of 6)"; Posted on You Tube on 10/08/09 by intrepidexplorer2008]

Awesome, isn't it?

And this is a sweet silly image to greet a new (hopefully good!) day...

["Sleeping Dragon"; Photo by NS]

Peace, Love and Humane Justice,


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